Monday, August 29, 2016





By Dick Carmack

As we look about us and mourn the condition of the world we wonder how we got here. As such it might prove profitable to consider that maybe it’s not entirely the fault of the conspirators who want to be the rulers of the world, but might be our own fault, our own choices, that we see our civilization going down the tubes.
After all, isn’t it the American Way to see an opportunity and to step in and take advantage of it? That’s what the immoral, utterly depraved satanic crowd trying to be our “24/7 Nannys and Dictators” have done. They saw a people who had become so spoiled that they were just begging for a strong man to come along and take charge and so they simply stepped in and took charge.
The following is attributed to Paul-Henri Spaak (1899-1972); former Premier of Belgium; early planner of The European Common Market; Secretary of NATO"
 "What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the alliances (allegiance?) of all people and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and be he god or devil, we will receive him." [1]
Did Spaak really say that? It doesn’t matter because there’s enough truth in it to make the point even if it’s just a lie. We have become a nation of over-fed, rotten-mouthed spoiled wimps who want to be pampered in our every whim. We rise up in wrath if we don’t get our way and will burn and destroy if crossed. But it wasn’t always that way.
We constantly hear of the “Greatest Generation” and there is much truth in that also. The men and women who fought WW2 came out of a culture that was patriotic, strong, durable, energetic, incredibly ingenious and afraid of nothing. How did they get that way? To answer that in full would require several long books and I’m not qualified to write even one. There is one aspect however that stands out and one I am qualified to speak on, “Dad Was Boss.”
I, like many readers, grew up in the days before and during WW2 when the culture of those days tolerated little of what passes for normality today. Dad was a farmer, father of 12 children (8 boys and 4 girls) and he didn’t have time for rebellion in his family. He was boss. The decisions were as fair as he could make them. They were swift and they stood, there was no appeal. It seemed like I got a spanking at least once every day and am sure there were many days when the corporal punishment was multiple and just. There were many things not to touch, not to do and above all not to say. In other words, morality was not an option it was mandatory.
Anything even approaching obscenity was quickly dealt with. One incident (that will seem silly to many modern folks) illustrates the point. There was a rule on our farm that nobody called anyone else “names.” “Horse-head” stands out in my mind. My brother Jack enticed me by saying, “Dick, if you’ll stand up at the barn door and call me a horse-head I’ll give you a nickel.”
Satan get behind me, that was just too great a temptation and so I did. It was timed by Jack of course so that Dad would be sure to hear. I spoke, Dad moved and justice followed quickly “behind.” During the course of the remedial action it came out that Jack owed me a nickel. Payment was duly enforced and the lesson for all was from then on etched in our collective memory.
What would happen today? Surely you jest. No one would even notice. Our language has deteriorated to the point that if there are not at least a few “hells” and “damns” in every sentence you are looked at like a drunk in church.
It is depressing to read then, “moral, conservative and enlightened” commentary that is laced with language that would have earned you a severe whipping and lack of any privilege for at least three months 50 years ago, but today is passed over without a whimper of protest. And, as most know, it’s not just hells and damns. The adjectives are much more graphic, some in so-called “conservative” writings that would make a sailor blush.
It saddens us to see young, moral, conservative authors using obscenities in their otherwise useful writings. They have unwittingly picked up the very tools that have been designed to destroy us and are using the weapons of the enemy on ourselves. It’s much like buying a boy a 22 rifle and telling him, “Go ahead and shoot yourself, but not anyone else.” As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
Why has our communication deteriorated to the point that if you are trying to raise moral children you have to pre-read “conservative” or sometimes “Christian” commentary to avoid soaking their young minds in garbage? We need Dad back in charge. He lived in a generation that knew instinctively “bad manners corrupteth communication.”
Col 3:8 ¶ But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
Eph 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
At least one of the reasons the “Greatest Generation” was great, was because ladies were always shown respect, gentlemen stood up when a lady entered the room and barnyard speech was not allowed in the house. Dad always tipped his hat when meeting a lady. How long since you have seen that? Another line of no return was sassing, or talking back to Mother. If you did, you were usually reminded with,
“We’ll just wait till your Dad gets home.”
Nowadays, mothers and fathers are routinely cursed in public by their children and if you were to dare to protest or correct it, you would be arrested for “Child Abuse.”
The cities are much worse off than most rural areas. I remember a visit to Dallas in the 1980s (30 years after three years in the Army) when I heard language that I never heard before, spilling out of the mouth of an attractive (till then) young (lady?) in a public place. I’m sure there are readers who are scratching their heads and wondering, “Where has this guy been all his life?” That’s the point. We live (and have lived) in two different worlds. My world of moral restraint was a much better world than this present world that seems to be in a contest with itself to see who can hit bottom first.
To careless mouthed conservatives: Do you want to see America become great again? Examine your own behavior first and then tell us where we went wrong. Then take it upon yourself to see to it that in your family at least, morality will once again become mandatory, not a quaint relic of yesteryear.
Col 4:6 Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.


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